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Free shipping over net purchase of HKD500 📦
No Tox Life 希望提供天然,無毒的純素身體護理,以幫助您過上更清潔,綠色的生活方式。 我們是一家本地家族企業,每一種產品都是使用我們發現的最優質的原料手工製作而成。我們的產品均使用如橄欖油,椰子油和米糠油的溫和油脂製成。 我們使用芒果黃油,乳木果油,香精油,天然粘土和礦物質 - 所有您的皮膚會喜歡的純素成分。
Living a completely zero-waste lifestyle is not easy, but making small changes to the way you consume can be; tiny steps can make an impact if we take them together.
We've partnered with EcoCart so together, we can lower our carbon footprint. EcoCart utilizes a global network of reputable suppliers to sequester, reduce, and offset carbon emissions.
Our founders, Dora and Jeff, were both brought up in HK and found their passion for sustainable living while traveling. Here they share personal stories behind the creation of SLOWOOD.