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Free shipping over net purchase of HKD500 📦
Category Feminine Care Brand Slowood Country Taiwan Size Medium-24cm Description Washable Waterproof layer Anti-Bacteria Breathable Super soft Suggestion: Place the pad, top layer downward, into water and add detergent. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse it under running water. Hang dry. Do not use warm or hot water. Hand washing increases the longevity of the washable menstrual pad.washable for at least 2-3 years. 名稱 無縫布衛生棉 中碼 24cm 類別 個人護理 品牌 Slowood 國家 台灣 描述 零著感的衛生棉,採用最舒適柔細的功能性布料,微弱酸性更親近私密肌膚;沒有塑膠薄膜的摩擦不適感,不論坐躺或走動,就像內褲一樣舒適無感。 親膚 輕薄透氣,平均厚度僅 1.6 mm,重量僅 10-15 g,完全「零縫線」 抗菌,滅菌率 > 99.9% 環保,可重複水洗利用 易清洗 清洗方法: 用蓮蓬頭沖洗經血至洗淨,針對較深的血漬可以加強輕壓搓揉 沾濕後直接使用中性洗劑輕揉搓洗至乾淨 浸泡在水盆中待殘餘經血完全融出後,再輕揉搓洗至乾淨 沖洗大部分經血後,丟入洗衣機清洗。建議搭配使用洗衣袋,可以拉長使用壽命 清洗過後,只要使用毛巾輕壓乾,或放置洗衣袋丟入洗衣機脫水後,自然曬乾。天氣好的話,大約 4 個小時後即可重複利用囉!
Living a completely zero-waste lifestyle is not easy, but making small changes to the way you consume can be; tiny steps can make an impact if we take them together.
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Our founders, Dora and Jeff, were both brought up in HK and found their passion for sustainable living while traveling. Here they share personal stories behind the creation of SLOWOOD.
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