Free shipping over net purchase of HKD500 📦
Free shipping over net purchase of HKD500 📦
Almo Milk - 澳大利亞種植的杏仁奶
Almo 是一種保質期長的杏仁奶,因此您可以將其存放在食品櫃中長達 10 個月。
Almo 含有比 10% 活化杏仁奶更多的蛋白質。
存儲環境,一旦打開,請冷藏並在 7 天內食用。
Almo 咖啡師混合杏仁奶
Almo 在墨爾本國際咖啡博覽會上獲得了第一名,因為它的泡沫和伸展性很好! 冷卻,搖勻,不要過熱以獲得完美的泡沫!
Living a completely zero-waste lifestyle is not easy, but making small changes to the way you consume can be; tiny steps can make an impact if we take them together.
We've partnered with EcoCart so together, we can lower our carbon footprint. EcoCart utilizes a global network of reputable suppliers to sequester, reduce, and offset carbon emissions.
Our founders, Dora and Jeff, were both brought up in HK and found their passion for sustainable living while traveling. Here they share personal stories behind the creation of SLOWOOD.